SOUL FOOD: 40 day devotional for the soul by Clyde P. Bain

The Word of God is described in scripture as water, honey, milk, meat, and bread. In so doing, God is describing to us the versatility and necessity of his Word in the lives of his believers. Jesus Christ is the Word of God and He emphasized this point by stating "I am the bread of life"and if any man eats of this bread, they shall never die" Here Christ underscores the fact that the Word of God is the true bread from heaven unto eternal life, and that it is the food that is the vitamin A for the soul.
Every person that comes to the knowledge of Jesus Christ at some time in their walk realize that the Word of God is the the most important meal of any spiritual diet.Jesus described it as "spirit, and life" Soul food was written with intent to provide the reader with essential daily spiritual food through this devotional so that they are equipped with the food of champions.

SOUL FOOD: 40 day devotional for the soul by Clyde P. Bain is available at
