Fatty Betty by Nirit Littaney


Betty knows a person's character is what matters most, but her classmates can't seem to look beyond her chubby appearance. They call her names and exclude her from activities, all because she likes to eat a lot of sweets! None of the other kids give Betty a chance, but one day she surprises everyone with a heroic act that makes her kind heart stand out more than her size.

Follow Betty's story to learn how she proves once and for all that no one should be judged by his or her appearance. This heart-warming bedtime story for children is a picture book that teaches the values of kindness and good deeds. Colorful illustrations and a positive message make this story ideal for children ages 3-8 or early readers. Happy Children's book collection, book 2.

Fatty Betty by Nirit Littaney is available at Amazon.com.
