The Digital Delusion by Doyle Buehler

How To Overcome the Misguidance and Misinformation Online: Online Business
''Learn The 7 Success Habits Which Will Transform Your Business Online''

There are so many business books these days and so few of them identify exact online business strategies for success.

Do you want to build a successful online business? Do you keep asking yourself "What do I have to do to achieve that? Do I have to read 100+ entrepreneurship books and so called 'success books' to be successful, to wake up the leader in me, to work the system?"

If you are stuck with your online business, you need business transformation. And all of the answers you need are in this book.

This book contains all the necessary success principles and success habits – develop them and make them part of who you are and you will certainly become leader of the pack!

"The Digital Delusion: How to Overcome the Misguidance & Misinformation Online" is a unique source of information for anyone trying to build an online business empire.

The author Doyle Buehler lays out a simple, no-nonsense plan with 7 steps to help you become a real success story. His unique approach to online business already earned him admirers within and outside the online business world, and you have the opportunity to see why. Take advantage of numerous tips, strategies, advice and bits of wisdom he offers in this book and see why he is successfully navigating online business world for over a decade.

Here are just some of the things you can find in this book:

  • strategies and advice that will guide you towards developing the leader within you
  • the importance of business networking for your business growth
  • crafting a sensible business plan
  • importance of business model generation
  • principles of business communication
  • common mistakes and pitfalls you need to avoid in your online business
  • deadly delusions that are keeping you from success in the online world
  • and much, much more.
  • You already have the business intelligence needed to embark on business adventures – what you need is some guidance, and this book offers precisely that. Understand all that you need about entrepreneurship theory process and practice to achieve real success with your online business.

Hop on that entrepreneur roller coaster and use this book to stay firmly on it!!!

The Digital Delusion by Doyle Buehler is available at
