Last Reunion: An Ageless Comedy by Joe Dacy

In a dystopian 2040, an aging comic joins his surviving high-school classmates at a five-star, lakeside resort.

The Austin, Texas, Class of 1970 has been lured by a failing Social Security Administration's offer: give up your remaining benefits to spend a free week in unrivaled luxury -- pampered, protected, and entertained by one of your own.

The resort's brochure also includes a final inducement that seems too good to be true:
You WILL be returned to your youth. You WILL be young again.

Amid the laughter and the nostalgia, "Joe, the Old Man" learns some profound truths about Life in this hysterical novella. But a fiery, red-headed nurse named "Cindy" may have the last laugh.

Last Reunion: An Ageless Comedy by Joe Dacy is available at
