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Frustrated Witness!: The Complete Story of the Adam Walsh Case and Police Misconduct” by Willis Morgan.

  Willis Morgan was at the Hollywood Mall on the same day. It was there that he had an unnerving encounter with serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer, known as the Milwaukee Cannibal, just before Adam went missing. However, his witness statements about Dahmer were rejected by the police, and he watched in frustration as they investigated and convicted Ottis Toole, knowing they had the wrong man. "Frustrated Witness," his book, details the various eyewitness accounts of the events of that fateful day in the mall and major flaws in the police investigation, to right a wrong that continues to haunt him. "This is the account of Adam Walsh's abduction and my attempts stretching across decades to find justice for him," Morgan writes. "As much as this book is a case for Jeffrey Dahmer being Adam's murderer, it is equally a study of how the Hollywood Police Department (HPD) conducted the homicide investigation." Morgan has left no stone unturned in his quest for th
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