Know anyone who is single? Or are you single? I mean, are you completely single? No matter whether you are engaged, courting, or single looking to mingle, it is important to answer this question honestly and prayerfully. God desires us to be whole, especially before we enter into a serious relationship. One of the reasons why relationships are short-lived—or long and painful—is because we as a society don’t seek to enter the relationship completely single. This book shows how Adam was completely single while in a relationship with God before he even knew he needed Eve. Once we seek after singleness wholeheartedly, our relationships will begin to blossom as God intended! This book will help you acknowledge the areas that are causing you not to be single. It will help you accept God’s plan for your singleness and apply biblical principles to align your behavior with His plan. #CompletelySingle: Learning How to Become the Right One Before Meeting the Right One by Damien K. H. N...