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Showing posts from December 30, 2018

Day Of The Democrat: A Day of Reckoning for the Poor to Middle Class by Jeff Carlucci

Head Coach Chaz Wellington utilizes the line in the sand concerning the division between the poor and the rich socio-economic classes, not to mention the private and public schools. Chaz Wellington's doctrine of motivating pro football players is subjected to criticism; because, he drafts solely from state schools minus athletes from the private institutions. The reasoning behind his drafting preferences is to create opportunity for those who came from desperate living conditions to help them land a roster spot in Professional Football. He teaches his players on how the rich are in fact making the middle class poor by closing the gates of large Democratic strongholds concerning manufacturing. Wellington calls this outsourcing a sheer act of greed to eliminate lucrative pay scales and benefits such as insurance and pension plans for the sake of the profit margin. He's revered as a politician and a presidential candidate since he lobbies for the Union claiming the ri...